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Modérateurs: animal, Léo

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By Stéphane
#165697 Vu sur Amazon :

Voilà. Voilà. Et aucun commentaire d'insulte sur l'auteur(e)...

By James ex S
#165698 [quote]In this book you'll learn valuable lessons that will teach you how to...

-Flip the switch in your female brain, so you can beat men at their own game...

-Have men lining up to date you and desperate for your attention...

-Learn how to get over a break up, heal from a broken heart, and never be sad over a man again!

-Become the type of woman that commands respect from men...

-Get the proposal, the ring, and the man of your dreams!

Get what you want from men and have the time of your life while doing it! This book has empowered women and dramatically changed their lives and relationships by changing the way they think about men and dating… and it can change your life too!

DISCLAIMER: This book contains strong language, sexual content, and subject matter that may be offensive to some readers.
Ca doit vraiment envoyer du lourd en termes de manipulation. Au vue du disclaimer je crois qu'il faut laisser sa morale de côté avant d'entamer le livre.

Si on osait écrire ne serait-ce que 10% de ce qui doit se trouver dans ce livre, on aurait des procès au cul :roll:
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By Stéphane
#165705 Oui, imaginez 2 secondes le sort médiatique d'un bouquin qui s'appellerait

"Si les femmes sont des chiennes, ceci est un manuel de dressage : le pouvoir de la BITE" !

Doublé éthique hein...
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By DancingRonin
#165706 Le contenu ne reposerait-il pas par le plus grand des hasards sur : le pouvoir du rien, l'art du chaud/froid, la supériorité des arguments émotionnels sur toute autre forme d'argumentation.

Un condensé de conseils psychos de magazines féminins. Je m'arrête là car ce topic a aussi un fort potentiel de débordement.
By James ex S
#165710 Tu réfléchis en homme avec une bonne dose de H là. Crois-tu sincèrement que ça parle à F les arguments émotionnels vs la logique pure.

Je penche plutôt pour de la manipulation de bas-étage.
By Simon
#165711 En effet.

Une revancharde frustrée (féministe au mauvais sens du terme) qui cherche à se venger des hommes.

Si l'on poursuit la déduction, c'est une femme qui ne plaît pas aux hommes, et qui leur a donc souvent servi de vide-couilles temporaire avant de se faire jeter, vu qu'elle n'a pas su les garder, qu'elle n'en avait pas les moyens. Les hommes la fuient et elle ne comprend pas pourquoi.

Au lieu de se remettre en cause ou en question pour devenir plus séduisante, elle préfère rester telle qu'elle est car elle a un égo énorme. D'où cette rancoeur envers les hommes : "pourquoi je changerais puisque je suis si parfaite, le problème vient forcément des hommes qui sont si mauvais, ce sont des chiens qui ne pensent qu'à forniquer". Ce qui est bien sûr une interprétation erronée de la réalité.

Sa rancoeur est devenue esprit de revanche. Comme elle conserve, inconsciemment une attirance pour les hommes, elle retourne forcément vers eux. Mais la séduction laisse place à l'envie de domination (liée à la vengeance). Domination possible grâce à la manipulation, mentale.

C'est pathétique.

Bon c'est de la spéculation psychologique ce que je fais mais je penche pour cette interprétation. Plus que pour celle de la femme qui a juste envie de faire le buzz avec son titre-choc.

Elle aurait très bien pu écrire un livre intitulé "la femme idéale", pour donner aux femmes les moyens de plaire aux hommes, sainement. On parlerait alors de séduction, et pas de manipulation. Son livre se serait aussi bien vendu I guess. Elle n'aura simplement pas le même public.
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By DancingRonin
#165712 [quote="James ex S"]Tu réfléchis en homme avec une bonne dose de H là. Crois-tu sincèrement que ça parle à F les arguments émotionnels vs la logique pure.

Je penche plutôt pour de la manipulation de bas-étage.
Moi je penche pour des conseils pratiques découlant des concepts, sans que ni l'auteure ni ses lectrices n'y aient accès. Elles comprennent très bien comment ça marche, intuitivement. Beaucoup mieux que nous.

Ou l'utilisation sans y penser de choses qui fonctionnent, là où certains, plus rares, le décodent en y pensant :mrgreen:
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By Cybermen
#165713 Je viens de lire le bouquin en diagonale, et en sautant des pages, je suis un peu pressé en ce moment. Mais je vous assure que c'est une perle de wishful thinking, de femmes pures, et de pragmatisme. On pourrait citer le bouquin en entier... De l'or je vous dis :mrgreen: J'ai sélectionné pour vous des extraits à l'arrache. La semaine prochaine, je ferais peut-être une critique/résumé du bouquin si j'ai le temps de me poser pour le lire en profondeur.
[quote][size=130]How to Spot a Good Man[/size]

  • He calls when he says he will.

  • He doesn’t stand you up to go with his friends.

  • He isn’t caught telling little lies.

  • He wants to spend his time with you.

  • He picks up the phone when you call.

  • You can depend on him.

  • He helps you with your problems.

  • He doesn't disappear.

  • He’s waiting to have sex. He isn’t pressuring you into sex.

  • He’s good to his Mom and/or kids.

  • He’s good to your Mom. (Respectful, courteous and helpful.)

  • Yes, these kinds of men do exist! They aren’t extinct. They are out there. I promise.

[quote][size=130]What Men Do That We Don't Do[/size]

Men don’t get emotionally involved. They keep their emotions at a distance and keep them hidden away. Most of the time they don’t even have any feelings or emotions towards a girl. Very rarely will they allow emotions to come into play. Men keep that stuff locked away until they know for sure they love the girl. You need to do the same thing. Keep your emotions and feelings at a distance and don’t allow them in until you know for sure the guy is worth it.

Men don’t dwell on the small stuff. They don’t sit around and over-analyze all the details. When you find yourself contemplating every little detail, stop it! Do what men do...relax. Simply put, don’t give a shit about a guy. Guys don’t give a shit about the girls they date. Be like a guy.

Men don’t try to fix a woman. We’re always trying to “fix” our guy. We get with a guy and think we can rescue him. We may not even realize we’re doing this, but we do it all the time. We think, “I’ll help him get back in school” or “I’ll help him find a good job.” Or even worse, we end up picking up all the slack for him. He doesn’t have a place to live, so you let him live with you for free. He doesn’t have a job, so you give him some cash here and there. Guys don’t do this! Unless it’s an old guy and a young pretty girl.

Men don’t try to rationalize being treated badly. If a woman is treating a man badly or cheating on him, he’ll leave her alone. We, on the other hand, could be dating a complete asshole and we’ll put up with a ton of crap before we finally get the courage or strength to leave. Guys don’t do this. They don’t take crap. If a woman starts treating them badly, they’ll leave her alone and move on to the next woman without a second thought about it. If a woman cheats on them, they move on. It hurts them just like it hurts us, but they rarely stick around for it to happen again.

Men separate the “wife” from the “booty call.” We try to turn booty calls into love. Men have women they love and women they just use for sex. We try to get emotionally involved with whoever pays attention to us. We need to be more like men, and save the love and emotions for someone worthy of the title “husband.”

Men think with their dicks, not their hearts. Occasionally they will think using their head over their dicks, but never their hearts! Therefore, you should start to think like a man, by NOT thinking with your heart. When faced with a dilemma, stop thinking with your heart and use your head.

Men gather a bunch of “cool stuff” to make them more appealing to the opposite sex. They get nice cars and hook them up with nice rims, so that girls will sweat them. They buy expensive clothes and shoes. They stay focused on making money. They do all of this in order to look good to the opposite sex and attract women to them like magnets. It works very well for them.

So, you should be like a man. Gather a bunch of “cool stuff,” so that men will sweat you. If you already have it, then be aware of it's worth to the opposite sex. Stop worrying about finding a guy with a car and go get yourself a nice ass car! The men will flock to you, the way we flock to men with these things. Men aren’t the only ones who can buy cars and hook them up. You can do this too, and you should! Not just to attract men, but to boost your own self worth and feel great about yourself.

Et le meilleur est à la fin du livre dans les "bonus", la crème de la crème. C'est tellement magique, que je vous met le chapitre en quasi-intégralité :wink:
[size=130]Using Men: Sugar Daddies and Sponsors[/size]

*If you are offended by women using men for financial gain, you may want to skip over this section.*

Before I get into using men for money, I have a few things I want to say about this controversial topic. As women, we have become conditioned by society to believe certain things and behave a certain way. Men haven’t been conditioned to believe these same things. For example, why is it when a woman uses a man for money, she’s labeled as a gold digging whore, both by men and women?

However, when a man uses women for sex, he’s revered as a “player” and “the man.” Sure, it’s frowned upon as well, but no where near the extent that women are looked down upon for doing the same type of “bad behavior.” Do you think these double standards are an accident? I sure don't. Society dictates how we should behave. Society is run by men. This is NOT an accident.

They have many names: sugar daddies, paymasters, sponsors...etc. Whatever you want to call them, there are men everywhere that are ready and willing to be used by you. I know. Using men is wrong. Whatever…fuck that! We can argue about the morality of using people, but I’m not here to judge people and talk about what’s right and wrong.

I’m here to be honest and informative. Here is the honesty: men use us, so fuck them, use them back! Here is the informative part: Men are so easy to use and you can get all kinds of things from them. Woo hoo! I love the power of the pussy!

There are different ways you can use men. You can use them for simple things, such as putting gas in your car or you can take it all the way to the extreme and marry a rich man for money. We already discussed filler dates and using men to entertain us. Let’s dig deeper and discuss using men for financial gain.

The first thing you must know is that there are men that can be used and there are men that can’t be used. The men that can be used usually fall into one of three categories: older men, foreign men, and men that really like you (but you have no interest in them).

These men probably won’t be good looking or the type of guys you would normally date. Paymasters, sponsors, and sugar daddies are men you would never date in a million years, but that’s where you win! When you find a man in one of those categories, or he finds you, he has to like you. If he does, then flirt a tiny bit and act like you’re interested; even though you’re not. Once these men want you, and think they have a chance, they’re willing to impress you.

Once they’re willing to impress you, you can begin to get away with asking for stuff. After a few days/dates/conversations, then try to ask for something. Start off small. Ask him to bring you lunch to work. If he does it easily, he’s a sponsor!

If you’re feeling uncomfortable about this, start off with using men for dates (aka free dinners). Once you’re comfortable with the thought of using a man for simple stuff, you can move on to asking for other things. When you’re ready to proceed with bigger items, you have to come at the man in a needy way. You have make him feel like you need him to rescue you. When a man likes a woman, he’ll rush to her side to be the man that solves her problems, remember.

So, let’s say you hang onto a few guys that you don’t like, but they all like you. Well, then you have an arsenal of men at your disposal ready to say “how high?” every time you ask them to jump! What do you want them to do for you? Buy you new clothes? Fix your car? Ask and you shall receive. Now, if you don’t receive or he makes an issue out of it, slowly and politely cut him out of your life and move on to the next man.

Some men will give you things without effort, others are cheap and won’t even give you a dollar. Don’t waste your time trying to use a man that won’t allow himself to be used. You are now like the guys who are going to try to use you for sex. When they try and can’t get it, they’ll just go away because they know you can’t be used. They won’t waste anymore time or effort. You have to start thinking with that same selfish mentality: “If I’m not getting what I want, then I’m out of here and on to the next one.”

The final and most important part about using men is that you NEVER have to have sex or do anything sexual to get what you want. If a man is buying you things and he gets frustrated because you’re not having sex with him, kindly cut him out of your life. Most of them will get to this point at some time; some quicker than others.

Some will allow you to use them for years, without ever asking for anything in return. Some will just want to show you off to their friends and family. Let him. Why not? If he’s a good sponsor, then be a gracious receiver. When you do find a good one, respect him and make him feel like you enjoy his company.

I don't want anyone to think I am advocating being cruel or mean to anyone. Just because you are using someone financially, doesn't mean you have to hurt them. There’s no need to be disrespectful, insulting, or hurtful to anyone. You also don't have to be the kind of woman that simply abuses the situation. [color=#BF0000]You don't have to be someone who takes and takes. You can be a giver too. You can make up for his financial contributions in many ways that do not involve sex.

You can make him feel good by allowing him to show you off while out in public. You can create a strong friendship. You can provide him with quality companionship. You can serve as a “fake girlfriend” for his family or work events. You can teach him how to be more comfortable around women and show him what women want and like. There are many things you can do and many arrangements you can make that will lead to a mutually beneficial relationship.

Most men know when they’re being used, but some don’t mind if they are being used in a respectful way by a pretty, younger woman they can show off. Remember, men enjoy the presence of a woman and some guys won’t mind paying for that presence.[/color]
If you feel bad about using men, then don't do it! Or, simply do it with a man that knows what your intentions are upfront. Then you really aren’t doing anything wrong. Trust me, a lot of men don’t mind. He may thoroughly enjoy spoiling you.

Most men are probably thinking they have a chance at sex if they keep shelling out cash. Their intentions aren’t important to you. What's important to you is getting what you want. If he isn’t going to give it to you, you’re going to find a man that will. It’s time for you to be selfish.

Have fun being a girl. If you want to use men, then do it and do it without guilt. If you find it to be morally wrong, then don’t do it. To each their own. However, if you would like to give it a try, I suggest reading A Gold Digger's Guide: How To Get What You Want Without Giving It Up. (Don’t get caught with that book!) Then start at one of these websites below. Between that book and these sites, you’ll easily find men ready and willing to be used by you.
Ne serait-ce pas la définition d'une escort-girl ? Wikipédia : "Bien que le travail d'une call girl soit avant tout à caractère sexuel, tous les clients ne louent pas les services d'une call-girl exclusivement pour le sexe. Certains n'en veulent pas du tout. D'autres le font pour des motifs sociaux, comme la présence à une réception, ou simplement pour avoir une compagnie."
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By Cybermen
#165714 Ah et j'ai oublié un passage sympa :
[quote]Test his true feelings by making him wait. Wait at least 60 days. Two months is the least amount of time you should wait before having sex. If he’s stuck around after you have rejected him and he waited patiently for two months or longer, he’s proven that he’s not trying to use you.


If you deny a man sex and he doesn’t continue to pursue you after you have rejected him; that is concrete proof he was never genuinely interested in YOU.
~He was only looking for SEX.~


Pretend your vagina is worth something of VALUE. Pretend it’s a $500 bill.
Would you give a man you just met a FREE $500 bill? Of course, you wouldn’t.


By James ex S
#165718 Merci Cybermen, c'est absolument magique. Je crois à chaque fois qu'on a atteint des sommets et à chaque fois ça va plus loin.

[quote]Pretend your vagina is worth something of VALUE. Pretend it’s a $500 bill.
Would you give a man you just met a FREE $500 bill? Of course, you wouldn’t.
Une petite prière pour que ce livre ne soit pas un best-seller, please!
By john dilinger
#165721 [quote]Do you think these double standards are an accident? I sure don't. Society dictates how we should behave. Society is run by men. This is NOT an accident.

They have many names: sugar daddies, paymasters, sponsors...etc. Whatever you want to call them, there are men everywhere that are ready and willing to be used by you. I know. Using men is wrong. Whatever…fuck that! We can argue about the morality of using people, but I’m not here to judge people and talk about what’s right and wrong.
Fabuleux : "ne nous laissons plus dicter norte conduite par cette société phalocrate : soyons des putes !"

Mais oui, c'est ça le droit ultime gagné par les femmes : le doit de se faire payer librement contre du sexe. :mrgreen:
Quelles avancées, quels progrès mes amis !
By john dilinger
#165723 Rooh, et cette inversion des rôles est magique aussi : "Sugar daddy... Il y a des hommes prêts à se faire utiliser par vous"
C'est tout mignon.
Je ne suis pas une pute (Def : femme offrant du sexe contre de l'argent), je suis une marionnettiste.
Ce n'est pas cet homme qui utilise mon corps comme un objet acheté, c'est moi qui utilise cet homme pour mon confort matérialiste.
By chum
#165727 Evidemment, il y a un tome 2, sous-titré : "Dating, Marriage, and Divorce Advice for Women" ...
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By Bertuccio
#165728 [quote="Stéphane"]
"Si les femmes sont des chiennes, ceci est un manuel de dressage : le pouvoir de la BITE" !

Oh j'ai bien ri... :mrgreen:

J'imagine déjà les têtes de toutes les petites guerrières amazones qui vont attaquer l'auteur.