Séduction & dynamiques sociales : articles, analyses et questions

Modérateurs: animal, Léo

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By Stéphane
#2865 Extrait de la newsletter de mystery :

If you are NOT involved with someone:

Do not contact her on Valentine’s Day. Do not send flowers, anonymous or not. Go “dark”
A day or two after Valentine’s Day (Wednesday, February 14 th), call her and tell her a funny story about something that happened when you were out with a “friend” on “Wednesday”. Be subtle – she’ll put two and two together – and make your story take place somewhere romantic but not over the top, and, importantly, somewhere that will sound fun to her. Use embedding (discussed by Sinn and Future on CD#3 (sample audio) from the Interview Series). Make the setting the background to the story. A story about a woman taking off her shoes to dance and then seeing them slide over the deck into the water while you and friend went on a dinner/cruise works better than a dry recitation of “we did this” and “then we did that”. The latter be a transparent attempt to make her jealous or would brand you as a player.
Don’t ask her what she did on “Wednesday” or “Valentine’s Day”. Assume that she was either alone or with a lesser man. Don’t react or be interested.
Go out and meet women! Women who go out on Valentine’s Day are looking for romance and to feel better about themselves. Prepare for questions like “Why aren’t you with someone tonight?” and “Why don’t you have a girlfriend”. An okay all-purpose answer to these is to say “because I just MET you, silly” and continue on with whatever you were talking about before. A lot of these frame-control type situations are covered in more detail on Volume 5 of the Interview Series – here’s the link to the backorders. There’s free audio there too!
Don’t get drunk and get tempted to call someone you wish you were with.
Don’t stay sober and get tempted to call someone you wish you were with.
A mass text message of “Happy Valentine’s Day” to all of the women in your phone may prompt some women to text back, possibly revealing new or buried interest you.

If you have a Dating/Undefined or a Friends with Benefits relationship with her (see this forum post for relationship type definitions)

This is trickiest one. Valentine’s Day is great for women because it forces men to reveal their intentions. You may have been casually flirting with her and playing hard to get, but as soon as you ask her out on Valentine’s Day, she will know that your interest is serious. Unless she is equally interested in you, she will know that she can have you, and will therefore be more likely to be bored with the lack of a challenge. Yes, this sucks. No, it doesn’t mean she’s a bitch. People want what they can’t have, and women and relationships are no exception. On the other hand, if she’s into you and you don’t offer to make plans…you may be discarded for someone who does. Sorry. This can be a no-win situation. I didn’t make the world; I just live in it. The social matrix that leads to this sort of situation is explored more generally in the DVD Video Archive
The best bet here is to go out with a mixed group (either a group of singles, or include some couples once they’ve done the private Valentine’s Day stuff together) and invite her to “tag along”. Keeps it nice and ambiguous.

If she is your – one and only – serious girlfriend

There’s no way around this. Make the day special for her. Throw out all of the ideas in your head about not paying for dates, not getting in the traditional frame, etc. Do the traditional date and do it right. This is the one time a year when there should be no doubt about doing this. I’m assuming in this that you did read the header and that she is your girlfriend. You are close, passionate, have been dating for a while, etc…
Send her flowers.
Flowerstore is great – they have lots of great Valentines arrangements for cheap. Get Valentines orders in early, since a lot of florists are swamped as they approach the big day
Send those flowers to somewhere she can show them off to her friends! Valentine’s Day for women is in part a “who has the best boyfriend” competition. So send flowers to her work if that’s appropriate, or to her apartment if she has a few roommates.
Don’t send roses. Be creative. But make it nice. That link to flowerstore has a bunch of different Valentines options that I looked at, and they are all good.
Doing the traditional Valentine’s Date means showing up dressed nicely (even in a suit). Making sure your car and house are clean for her. Making reservations somewhere nice. Doing something exciting afterwards. And, of course, enjoying how grateful she is.

If you are dating multiple girlfriends in the same city

Get out of town. I’m serious. There’s no way a most desirable woman will see a man once a week or more, sleeps with him, and doesn’t get to spend time with him on Valentines Day.
Business-trip, family emergency, whatever it is. Leave before Wednesday and don’t come back on Thursday. That’s too obvious. Disappear for at least a couple of days.
Send flowers to all of them and call all of them.

Whatever your situation

Send flowers to your mom. This is pretty non-negotiable. If you email me over the next couple weeks about anything, I’m likely to ask if you did this. If you didn’t, and you don’t have a good reason, you’re likely to get lectured. She’s your mother. It’s Valentines. This isn’t that complicated.
And your daughters if you have them. And any single female relatives. Sending flowers on the big day doesn’t have to be sexual. Do something that can totally change someone else’s day for the better.
OK, cool? If you’re single or casually dating, Valentine’s Day is a giant, societally-imposed artificial break point in the normal evolution of relationships. It is not your friend. Try to make the best of it. On the plus side, if you *are* single, women are incredibly easy to meet.

Vos avis ?
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By Laurent
#2893 Je vois pas mal de conseils pour éviter d'etre un AFC dernier degré (Il doit y avoir des perles de délires AFC le jour de la St-Val.) comme ne pas inviter une nana qu'on a pas encore attrapé, ne pas appeler une nana ce soir-la.

[quote]A mass text message of “Happy Valentine’s Day” to all of the women in your phone may prompt some women to text back, possibly revealing new or buried interest you.
Ca se fait vraiment ? ou c'est encore un truc de ricains?

Prepare for questions like “Why aren’t you with someone tonight?” and “Why don’t you have a girlfriend”. An okay all-purpose answer to these is to say “because I just MET you, silly” and continue on with whatever you were talking about before
Je trouve cette réponse à stval-shit-test assez pourrie. Je verrais plutot un : "mes copines sont à l'hosto. elles s'etaient battues pour savoir qui sortirait avec moi. Elles y sont allées un peu fort". :)

[quote]If you have a Dating/Undefined or a Friends with Benefits relationship with her pour moi c'est le même cas qu'au début, on ne propose rien a la fille pour la st-val.

Sinon le coup d'envoyer des fleurs au bureau de la petite copine pour rendre les autres filles folles de jalousie, je suis plutot sceptique. Et je suis peut-etre un mauvais fils mais j'ai jamais eu l'idee d'envoyer des fleurs à ma mere pour la st-val.

Globalement, je trouve qu'il prend ses lecteurs pour les derniers des AFCs et je ne vois rien de passionnant, ni, en fait, de réellement intéressant dans cette newsletter. En tout cas, c'est pas ça qui va augmenter mon close-rate mercredi soir.
By Blusher
#2911 http://www.cahiersdufootball.net/articl ... ef0539e83c

Misère de la Saint-Valentin

Par Jean-Patrick Sacdefiel.

Ce soir, observez la file d’attente devant le fleuriste : peut-on imaginer spectacle plus pathétique que ces mâles, l’air aussi enjoué que des moutons menés à la tonte, venus ici cotiser à la banque des sentiments, faire poinçonner le ticket qu’ils eurent avec cette femelle en un temps où leurs sentiments ne se payaient pas de prestations tarifées. Saint-Valentin, symbole de l’amour obligatoire, invention des fleuristes, des bijoutiers et des restaurateurs, version annuelle du coït hebdomadaire... Observez leurs visages: vous essaierez en vain d’y déceler la moindre trace du bonheur dont ils croient pourtant acheter la démonstration.

Amour certifié conforme
Serais-je une femme (Dieu m’en a gardé), que je prendrais comme une insulte l’accomplissement de ce devoir conjugué comme une obligation administrative. Fête des amoureux? Mais que reste-t-il de l’amour, quand on doit le prouver comme on fournit une attestation? L’amour certifié conforme, voilà la vraie morale de cette institution imposée par la peur d’en faire moins que les autres, ou par la crainte d’essuyer des reproches aussi affreusement prévisibles que cette date du calendrier.

Comme ils peuvent manquer de dignité et de respect pour eux-mêmes, ceux qui souscrivent lâchement à ce rituel qu’on fait passer pour immémorial, alors même qu’il est plus récent que l’importation de Halloween (la fête de la citrouille au goût américain étant, elle, tombée plus vite en désuétude). Programme-t-on la tendresse? La nourrit-on de bouquets emplastifiés ou de plats bâclés dans l’arrière-cuisine d’une gargote quelconque?
Allez, avance dans la file, prépare ta monnaie. Tu obtiendras quitus de ta gestion amoureuse, pauvre garçon, tel un syndic de copropriété qui s’est bien acquitté de sa tâche sans trop alourdir les charges. Tu marcheras le cœur plus léger, mais seule ta bonne conscience sera apaisée: ton cœur, lui, aura devancé la flétrissure de ces pauvres fleurs dont tu auras pris soin de comparer les prix avant de t’en emparer, inquiet de te les faire barboter par un de tes congénères. Vous voilà concurrents, bougres d'ânes, bien qu'apparié chacun avec sa propre moitié!
Allez, va. Va verser ton obole à Saint-Valentin. Une sordide histoire de culte, voilà à quoi en est réduite ta bluette de jadis. L'odeur de violette n'en camouflera les remugles que le temps d'une soirée.
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By Jeff!
#2939 [quote]Ca se fait vraiment ? ou c'est encore un truc de ricains?
Ca me parait pas inconcevable (après tout, la Saint-Valentin n'est-elle pas la vraie journée de la femme? :D), m'enfin rien d'évident là-dessous. C'est peut-être dans les moeurs aux USA, mais pas chez nous. Je me suis posé aussi la question ^^

Sympathique, le texte de monsieur... Sacdefiel. J'aurais dû faire un mail de masse avec, tiens.