Séduction & dynamiques sociales : articles, analyses et questions

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By ShivaSpace
#3872 Un de mes outils préférés, découvert il y a deux ans, je sais plus quel guru a trouvé l'expression "chick-crack" mais c'est exactement ca, avec ce seul truc vous créez un intérêt là ou il n'y en avait pas 10 min avant. Sérieusement. Moi je trouvais ca rigolo mais sans plus, et lorsque j'ai vu sur le terrain le potentiel qu'il y avait la dedans je m'y suis mis sérieusement et l'utilise encore aujourd'hui.
De plus avec ca vous avez le contact physique en bonus :mrgreen:
Edit: un truc en plus que j'ai entendu je sais plus ou mais qui ne m'a jamais fait défaut:
Les gens qui ont le dessus des mains tres veinées (grosses veines et bien en relief) ont tendance à faire passer les sentiments et le bonheur des autres avant les leurs. Si les veines sont plus discrètes c'est l'inverse.

[color=blue][size=200]The line of heart[/size][/color]

"The Line of Heart is the uppermost deep groove in the top portion of palm running beneath the fingers. It tells the way an individual relates to others through friendships and loves, and why. It reveals the emotional and spirtual attitude of People, and tells how they feel toward themselves, because of their outward attitudes. The line at its best should be clear and deep, but not more outstanding than the line just below it--the Line of Head. When both of these lines are about the same in depth and color, it shows a balance between the head and heart. When one is far deeper, and more evident than the other, it indicates either that a person is ruled by his or her heart, or by his or her head. When it sits high on the palm, the person makes good, loving choices. Farther down, and closer to the Line of Head, it can indicate childhood problems leading to distorted ideas of love and friendship.

The Line can display small branches sweeping upwards or drooping downward from it. Upwards indicates the natural flirt, and downward trouble with the opposite sex, or the sex of choice. A pale, broad line illustrates a noncaring attitude toward others, particularly in matters of love. A clear, deep line, presents energy and vitality in affairs of the heart. Breaks in the Line of Heart show disappointment in love and friendship. A chained Line of Heart, which is one made up of tiny island formations, speaks of someone who doens't trust others, especially in matters of love. These people often go from relationship to relationship, unable to establish any lasting connection. Sometimes, the chained formation will appear in only a small portion of the line, indicating that the person is able to overcome his or her mistrusting nature.

Forked lines, either at the beginning of the line, which starts about an inch or so beneath the little finger, or at its ending, near the other side of the palm in a variety of positions, indicates an independent nature. Where the branches head tell another story. When a branch, or fork from the Line of Heart heads toward the index finger, it means the person has very high ideals, particularly in a mate. They expect a greal deal from the other person, but, in return, are supportive and loyal.

When a branch heads toward the middle finger, the person is moody, and sometimes tempermental in the company of others. However, they often desperately want the security of a lasting relationship. Dual branches, or forks, that rest both on the index finger, and the middle finger shows individuals who truly wants to establish deep relationships, but who have trouble relinquishing any part of their independence. Forks at the opposite end of the line, beneath the little finger, add strength to the line, if those branches are fairly deep, and free of any drooping hairlines.

Ending beneath the index finger, the person is idealistic, but loving. If it swings up into the finger, though, the person can be demanding of others. A short line, ending near the ring finger, means the individual is stunted in his or her affections."

[color=blue][size=200]The mount of Venus[/size][/color]

Palmists look at the palm as a terrain. So can you. Hold your hand palm up and flat in a perpendicular position to your face in front of you and at eye level. When observed from this position the palm looks like an earthly terrain with high hills (mounts) and valleys. Palmists have names for each small region of this terrain in the palm. Usually one of the larger mountains is what palmists call the "Mount of Venus" which connects the thumb area to the rest of the palm. This is the area I have traced with the dotted line.

Within this area- the Mount of Venus - I have marked a grid of intersecting lines with an arrow pointing to it from the letter "A". The mount of Venus area of the palm is devoted to one's love of life and sometimes shows a fullness to symbolize the depth of love of life. When this mount is high, fleshy and very full, the person is full of passion for: life, most of the events that happen in their lives and the people who are within their life. The grid or grille as palmists would call this design found at "A" in figure # 3a, can tell you that you have "walled off " your heart from others lessening your attraction to connect with happiness both internal and external. This grid is usually not found on a high or full mount of Venus. This guarding of the heart, could be happening because you are still attached to someone from the past. If this grille design is simple - which means it is made up of just a few vertical and horizontal lines - it can mean that you are devoted to your present love interest and your heart is dedicated to that person alone. If you are not presently in a relationship the grid could symbolize bars, like the bars of a jail cell, where you keep your heart hidden and safely locked away because you are not sure you can trust someone or yourself in a heartfelt and committed relationship. This type of grid can cause great stress in any new relationship once it is underway and certainly can prevent a good relationship from ever getting started.

I like looking carefully for alphabet letters and designs that appear in the Mount of Venus area of the palm to help me read questions about love. Sometimes there are one or more initials of the client's "significant other" shown here. If you notice there is an initial "T" in the area of the mount of Venus next to the grid in my design of figure # 3a. The "T" noted here is an example of what could be the initial of the first, middle or sir name of the intended love either presently available or upcoming into your life.

[color=blue][size=200]The love life[/size][/color]

When looking at hands as a whole it is interesting to note that most of the time it proves true that a person, whose backs of the hands appear veined and creased or rippled, delicately showing the bone structure, is very sensitive to and caring about the feelings of others. They tend to be romantic and sensitive to physical touch. When the back of the hand is smooth, fleshy or dimpled, the owner is warm hearted but may only enjoy sex just for fun. They will be concerned more with his or her own needs than those of a partner.

The raised and full mount of the Moon will tell you that the person is creative in their love life actions which makes them an interesting and intriguing partner and lover. The raised mount of Pluto allows for them to rebound from difficulties in life so they are resilient as partners which tends to create longevity in the relationship that they embrace.

If the heart line is not present in the hand - (By this I mean that there is only one line traveling horizontally across the palm, called the line of Simian.) - this traditionally raises concerns about the emotional nature of its owner. It isn't that they have don't have feelings, it is just that they aren't comfortably balanced about the expression of their feelings. The line of Simian is a blend of the head and heart lines. There are periods of time when the line of Simian person may be very overly emotional and then at other times be almost devoid of any emotion or sympathy. So the owner of such a line usually tends to be more mental in their approach to love. This makes them think through their emotions giving them the sense that they are in control with their feelings about their "significant other". They will also be naturally oriented towards being more concerned about the practical matters of their relationship, such as money, position, or the career of the partner or themselves and how these matters will help the relationship they enter to be fulfilled. The line of Simian is often seen in the palm of a person who is gifted mentally even to the point of genius. They are very often materially successful individuals.

A clean heart line that has no breaks, islands, x's, cross bars, etc is a good sign demonstrating an emotionally balanced person. Where the heart line shows a break in its flow - this indicates a time when the person may suffer an emotional crisis- such as a breakup with their lover or the ending of an affair, any break is a sign of an emotional sorrow or shock. Timing on the heart line is like this - birth is at the start of the line under the little finger. The age of 20-25 is at about the area under the space between the little and ring fingers. This gives you the timing gauge for the rest of the line. Marks of puffy redness on the heart line shows the person is open to periods of passionate emotional energy which can be overwhelming to others. These marks indicate the owner can be easily blinded by passion. The depth into the palm at which the heart line is located can indicate the depth of emotion the person is capable of expressing and feeling. The deeper into the palm it is placed the more likely the owner is to be very aware of emotional feelings and their outward expression. (See (D) for a deeply placed heart line and (E) for the space of a shallow placement of the heart line in Figure # 4.)

[color=blue][size=200]The line of fate[/size][/color]

Line of Saturn = line of Fate
(A.) Marks the normal flow of this line and shows a full line of Saturn. This is universally seen as a good sign. It is representative of a good strong career in life and good strength of ingenuity to make things happen along the way. When there are breaks in this line, it shows when there are career changes and possible geographic changes. I always check out the life line to see if it shows any marks of change at about the same age. When considering age on this line it is said that birth is at the base of the palm and life flows on up the palm to end under the finger of Saturn. Teachers say that when considering age, it is best to think of where this line crosses over the head line to be about the age of 35 years. (C.) Shows a much shorter line of Saturn rising from the base of the palm and ending about at the head line. This demonstrates that a person's family may have given them support to be strongly focused in their early life, but as they age and go past the head line (35 yrs.. old) they seem to need the support of others to succeed or sometimes need help just to remain focused in order to truly follow through on their goals in life. However, I have seen the line of Saturn end at the headline as in C. in order to show that the person has been influenced by their family in a strong way, but as they get to about 35 yrs. of age they strike out on their own to do well. (B.) Shows a line of Saturn traveling from over towards the lunar or little finger side of the hand - starting on the mount of the moon - vertically traveling towards its ending under the first finger - the finger of Jupiter. This shows that with the help of others this person will achieve success and possibly fame in this lifetime. This line ending under Jupiter is seen in palms of, politicians, rock stars and famous athletes."

[color=blue][size=200]Sample reading routine[/size][/color]

Usually the dominant hand is read. But should you wish to hold both of her hands, modify your approach in the following manner:
Non-dominant hand - the inner potential of the person
Dominant hand - the actual manifestation and realization of that inner potential

An example routine
1. Describe her to her according to what you know about the various lines
2. Try to include qualities you've learned about her after having elicited her values and watching her behaviour in general, find the corresponding lines in her palm and show them to her. You can also use the collection of phrases below.
3. Predict something good/positive, don't forget to show her, how you draw your conclusions.
4. Keep holding her hand, look her in the eye, kiss her fingers.
5. "People may know each others' mind, but they don't really know each other until their bodies get to know each other":) Don't go overboard!:)

Collection of phrases - dreamer, open, passionate, sensitive, adventurous, positive (add to this list). The phrases themselves are meaningless, elaborate on each phrase and describe the word through describing the feelings of a person that can be called "a dreamer" or "passionate". But don't shoot in the dark, make sure you know what you're talking about - hopefully you did at least some value-eliciting before you jumped into palm reading:)

A few simple examples of reading lines:
• If she has two fate lines, for example if her fate line is broken mid-hand and another starts running parallel to it, see at what age it happens and voila, you've got a story:) Don't forget to show how you draw your conclusions or else she might suspect you of BS-ing, but show her the corresponding lines and she'll think ITS PURE GOLD AND THE ROCK-SOLID TRUTH:) "You'll stay on your chosen career path up to the age of about 30, then you'll find a new passion and finally switch over to it at the age of about 35." Simple:) So OK, we didn´t evoke any specific feelings, but believe me, the simple fact that a man that CAN PREDICT HER FUTURE is HOLDING HER HAND will make her feel everything tightening up you-know-where:) A break in the line of fate can also mean a change of geographical location, so you could also bring travelling, working or living abroad etc into play:)
• If her fate line breaks up at the base of her palm and/or interacts/intersects with the life line (which very many people have by the way) you can say the following (this is taken from www.spirit-eagle.com, but I really cannot recommend the site - it's all full of advice how to "contact your guardian angels and spirits" etc, very messed up stuff:): "(showing her) This means that early in life you experienced some family situation that made you have responsibility as a child. So much so, that you were given duties or existed in a situation where you had to let go of part of your childhood and be in an adult like role. But this usually gives you something nice later in life. Because you had to give up part of your childhood you are given extra life energy support later in life to survive a tough or a difficult experience with more ease and protection." From a patterning point of view, this "childhood problem" theme was not too great. Should you however show her the appropriate lines in her hand, and she actually did have some childhood problems (and who us didn't?:), you have instantly become very close to her - close to her heart and soul, which is a very good place to continue from:)

On the whole though, these are hardly examples you can memorise and use - they are only supposed to give you the general idea of how you could conjure up your own stories.

A few closing words from dead-serious palmists: "As a palmist, your attitude is of great importance. Never try to "second guess" your subject by adding on-the-spot observations and facts you may know beforehand but which are not shown in the palm. If you are reading the palm; read the palm and only that. Ideally you should know nothing whatsoever of the person you are reading. Their hands and your intuition should be enough. Anytime you are meeting someone for the first time, you can pick up a tentative and often very useful first impression of their personality by unobtrusively glancing at the lines of their hand."
But if that doesn't work, we'll just ask for her hand... so that we can get "an impression of her personality":)
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By Jeff!
#3876 Oulah! C'est bien complexe tout ça! Tu fais plus qu'exploiter un moyen de drague astucieux, là, c'est une vraie consultation en bonne et dûe et forme :mrgreen:

Merci en tous cas, ça a l'air complet, j'y jetterai un oeil attentif. Ca a déja été dit, je crois, mais le tarot n'est pas mal aussi dans le genre. Moins habile et facile à mettre en oeuvre que la chiromancie, mais puissant également pour susciter l'attention et une certaine intimité.
By Fladrif
#3888 Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah, merci beaucoup, M'sieur Shiva. Cela faisait longtemps que je cherchais une synthèse efficace sur la chiromancie adaptée à la séduction, et c'est chose faite. :D

Un autre truc auquel j''avais pensé à un époque, ce sont les Runes. Elles ont le mérite de constituer une psycho-divination exotique, et nul bseoin de préciser pour des connaisseurs de la "Théorie de l'échelle" le pouvoir d'attraction de l'exotisme auprès de la gente féminine.
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By ShivaSpace
#4033 L'avantage du palm reading par rapport aux runes et au tarot c'est que vous avez pas besoin de trimbaler des accessoires, et vu que spike nous a fait la morale sur comment c'est pas bien de mettre son bordel dans les poches de sa veste à la conf look... :mrgreen:
En plus il n'y a pas besoin de connaitre tout les mécanismes dans les moindres détails, ya une logique facile à comprendre à partir de laquelle on peut vraiment lire les lignes sans rien connaitre par coeur. Et ya aussi opportunités sur opportunités de partir sur de l'impro et de lancer 12 sujets de conversation différents sur son passé, ses envies, ses angoisses, et éventuellement son avenir.
Bref, ca blaste :mrgreen:
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By Charlie
#4054 Je vais tenter le palm reading, même comme amorce ça doit passer.

[quote="ShivaSpace"]...et vu que spike nous a fait la morale sur comment c'est pas bien de mettre son bordel dans les poches de sa veste à la conf look... :mrgreen:

Sinon, je me permets une petite parenthèse hors-sujet. A ce propos, que préconisez vous ? Le "sac à main" ? Ou n'avoir que le strict minimum sur soi ? Parce qu'entre le porte-monnaie, le téléphone, les clés, l'iPod, et j'en passe... :D

Merci pour vos réponses
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By ShivaSpace
#4068 [quote="Charlie"]Je vais tenter le palm reading, même comme amorce ça doit passer.

Mmmh non, évite en amorce, ca fera pas naturel ni situationnel du tout et ca montre direct que tu travailles ton ga.me.
Amène ca de facon naturelle dans ton pickup, ca doit etre un de tes petits hobby que tu as pour le fun et que tu veux bien lui montrer, pour rigoler. Comme tu ne prends pas ca au sérieux elle non + et elle te donne sa main pour le fun, puis bam bam bam tu lui enchaines vérités sur vérités à son sujet, l'effet de surprise est décuplé et elle te suce direct derrière les buissons :mrgreen:
Modifié en dernier par ShivaSpace le Mer Sep 16, 2009 3:28 pm, modifié 1 fois.
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By Alexandre
#4087 Facile pour Shiva de lire les lignes de la main de ses cibles, vu qu'il est trés G[size=50]ranny[/size]ILF...
Typiquement pour la ligne de vie, ça doit pas être trop dur :lol:


Par contre pour :

[quote]...et elle te suce direct derrière les buissons :mrgreen:

Faut quand même que le buisson soit haut ...avec un deambulateur ?! :shock:
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By ShivaSpace
#4090 Aaaaarrh
t'es vraiment un gros dégueulasse :mrgreen: