Séduction & dynamiques sociales : articles, analyses et questions

Modérateurs: animal, Léo

#20361 C'est du copier coller, mais cela pourrait intéresser certain :

Guy chicks: Like extreme sports, can kick your ass.

Dingbats: Not too bright, dingy.

Teenie bopper: Late teens but all into the teen scene.

Party girl: Fine as long as you don’t try to get her into any relationship.

Romantic (the lover): KNOW that she’s going to fall in love very deeply with you.

Controller: Type A and very insecure.

Accountant/librarian: Not a lot of social skills, can be tough to relate to.

High Profile Drama Queen: Can be very stressful, makes a big deal out of everything possible.

Large, Ugly, and Proud: self-explanatory

Gold-digger: Will not always show it right away. Can be very manipulative

Emotional suckerfish: opens up to you emotionally with all her problems WAYYY too easily. Can be problematic in a short time.

Natural Hippiechick: Fun but UNWASHED!

Feminazi: Angry at men in general, may take it out on you.

Church girl: Know what you’re in for

“Cool chick”:
1 in 10 women will be cool chick! Someone with her shit together, great sense of humour, and few issues.