Séduction & dynamiques sociales : articles, analyses et questions

Modérateurs: animal, Léo

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By ShivaSpace
#2906 J'ai envie de lancer un topic dans lequel chacun peut contribuer (en se basant sur du testé réel) à propos de divers médias qui aident à améliorer notre inner game et notre coté zen (expériences sportives, lectures, vidéos etc...)
On lit partout que la séduction est affaire de momentum, d'energie, de positivité, de ping pong, d'aura, de charisme...
Mais quel est le lien, le point commun entre toutes ces caractéristiques?

[size=150]L'INNER GAME[/size]

Nous sommes les seuls animaux à avoir perdu l'instinct de séduction. Une fourmi male sait instinctivement que pour copuler il doit apporter un cadeau (=bouffe) à la femelle pour qu'elle accepte de s'accoupler. Un oiseau sait qu'il doit tourner 3 fois à droite puis 2 à gauche autour de sa belle en couinant pour qu'elle succombe.
L'homme est le seul animal qui a oublié comment séduire, mais à la base nous avons été programmé avec les memes capacités de séduction que ces oiseaux à la con. Nous avons tous en chacun de nous ce state enfoui, implanté là par la nature, et qui nous permet -si ravivé- de savoir instinctivement quoi dire, quoi faire, avec quel impact et a quel moment pour arriver à nos fins.

La méthode la plus abordable pour un public global est d'aller draguer comme une bete jusqu'a ce que le state enfoui se réveille (ce qu'on appelle l'interiorisation des methodes). Ca marche. Mais il y a d'autres moyens de développer son inner game, moins connus car tres différents mais avec résultats à la clé, partageons nos experiences ici!

Je vous conseille un bouquin qui a changé radicalement ma facon de penser:


Si vous etes prets à vivre une expérience différente, à ouvrir votre esprit et à vous poser de nouvelles questions c'est à mon avis par ce livre qu'il faut commencer.
Extremement bien écrit, aussi prenant qu'un tres bon roman, vous y decouvrirez la vie d'un homme d'exception et des concepts qui vous ameneront surement à reconsidérer bcp de croyances que vous croyiiez acquises.
By Last Order
#2910 Je me suis rendu également compte que l'intériorisation et le "[url=http://malediction.superforum.fr/]Flow[/url]" (momentum etc.) contrôlent 90% du (de mon) game. Du coup je conseille naturellement ces deux ouvrages de l'auteur au nom imprononçable Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi:
[img]http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/P/2266146181.01._AA240_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg[/img] et [img]http://ec1.images-amazon.com/images/P/2266161261.08._AA240_SCLZZZZZZZ_.jpg[/img]

Ces deux ouvrages expliquent comment rendre 'insitnctif' une expérience de game en faisant de chaque approche un plaisir par adéquation entre le challenge (élevé) et la maîtrise (élevée également), ainsi que de la concentration (qui vient naturellement avec l'intérêt pour le set).
Trop de challenge c'est l'angoisse, trop de maîtrise c'est l'ennui, pas de concentration c'est pas assez d'énergie. L'équilibre c'est Bruce Lee, you are water my friend.

Donc ne pas hésiter à commencer petit pour garder la maîtrise face au challenge :
- ouah c'est dur d'aborder, bon cette fille elle a une jolie veste, je lui dis, je lui ai dit!! elle m'a même fait un sourire, ok étape suivante.
- j'étais super en contrôle la dernière fois, je me suis fais plaisir, bon j'y retourne, cette fois-ci, je demande une info et je lance une vanne, etc.
- j'étais super en contrôle la dernière fois, je me suis fais plaisir, bon j'y retourne, cette fois-ci, j'ai bossé ma routine qui s'articule avec l'amorce pour avoir l'air consistant, ok go
- (quelques mois/années passent)
-j'étais super en contrôle la dernière fois, je me suis fais plaisir, bon j'y retourne, cette fois-ci, j'open la table de droite en indirect pour le SP, puis je neg la serveuse et j'open la table du set mixte de 4 en commençant par la warpig, j'atteins le social hook, j'amog le mec qui est à gauche sur ses chaussures, et je threesome la petite et la coincée, ok go.

Certains commencent en étape 2 d'autres en étape 8 on s'en fiche, commencez à l'étape que vous maîtrisez, la maîtrise c'est du plaisir, le plaisir c'est de l'envie de challenge, le challenge réussi c'est la progression, la progression c'est du close.
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By ShivaSpace
#2943 Une des newsletter qui m'a le plus marqué, prenez le temps de la lire en entier, elle est bien plus riche que ce que vous lirez de deangelo, mystery et autres:

[quote="Stephane hemon from Ideagasms"]

[size=150]What's the Difference Between LOVE and NEEDINESS?[/size]

There is a lot of confusion surrounding this, and I think a lot of HEALTHY behaviors have unfortunately been branded as “Wussy”, “AFC” or needy, and a lot of UNHEALTHY, needy behaviors are often associated with love.

So what’s the difference between LOVE and NEEDINESS?

First of all, we need to define love.
To me, love isn’t some crazy screwball energy that forces me to give away my power and to act like a moron. That’s what Hollywood teaches us about “true love” but it just isn’t true.
Another thing I never liked about our culture’s idea of love was that supposedly it’s something you “fall in”.

I don’t “fall in love” I CHOOSE TO LOVE.
Be careful of the language you use.
Choose your romantic phraseology wisely.
“Falling in love” is CUTE, but it is an unhealthy phrase because it implies a loss of control.
And I never liked the idea that “Attraction is not a choice”.

We all have FREE WILL.

Attraction is not a choice for the average Barbie and Ken doll who live their entire lives in the lower three chakras (money, sex, and power).
Attraction IS A CHOICE to anyone with an open, balanced Heart Chakra. Once the heart is opened, mating instincts are no longer the driving force behind all of our decisions, choices, and actions.
Now, those of you who are ready to truly open your hearts; don’t be surprised if you feel vulnerable and sensitive as a result. This is normal.

This is why I always say, “Unconditional Love MINUS Putting up with crap = Happy.”
Open your heart, but not to everybody!

Now, why do we feel so vulnerable and sensitive when we open our hearts?
It’s because we live in a fucked up world. This is why the average heart is only 3-5% open.
War, dis-ease, poverty, violence, hatred, jealousy, control, satanic cults, rape victims, serial killers, and the mean girl who laughed at you in high school.

It’s perfectly safe to open your heart, but only with people that will be nice to your heart. The moment you feel that feeling of discomfort in your solar plexus, learn to TRUST that feeling and get the hell away from this person.

That uncomfortable feeling in your solar plexus is designed to protect you, but you must listen to it. Trust me, if you opened your heart to someone who ended up lying and cheating, it only got to that point because you chose to actively ignore your solar-plexus chakra.

You gave away your power and let things go too far.


Love is an appreciation for something, or someone, or for yourself.


Nothing more, nothing less.

Now you know what TRUE LOVE is. It is not some magical, all-powerful force that can make or break you.
I know about the thing where babies die if they aren’t loved, and I’m not doubting the importance of love. I’m just trying to separate love from the energy of DRAMA.
Have you noticed that so many energies seem to latch on to love?
You know what? I hear this one all the time. People who use LOVE as a justification for their STUPIDITY.

“But I love him!”

I hear this stuff all the time in my private practice, so what I do is tell her (or him) to replace the word LOVE with the word APPRECIATE. I do that with couples all the time, and it helps them to realize that they are mistaking love with neediness.


Neediness, on the other hand, is obviously fear-based.

Think of someone who is “Dear to you”. With this person in mind, I’d like you to try on the following three sentences:

“I love [person]”
“I need [person]”
“I appreciate [person]”

Which one feels the healthiest and most peaceful to you?

Neediness is the underlying assumption that you are not complete unless you have some Barbie or Ken doll hanging off of you.

Neediness goes away completely when the following three conditions are met:

1- You have internalized the belief, “I AM Enough.”
2- You have balanced your Yin and Yang energies
3- You live in THE NOW.


For one thing, Neediness is an energy that tends to live in the past and/or the future.

For example, someone dumps you, and for months you keep torturing yourself, thinking about the good times. That’s not love, it’s NEEDINESS.

Another example is that of CRUSHING on someone. Crushing is the act of making cute little movies in your head about being with someone in the future. Again, that’s not love, that’s neediness.


Also, try to forget this, “Until death do us part”. It’s unhealthy. It’s NEEDINESS disguised as virtue and love. It was appropriate at one time, but the time has come now for the religions to update themselves. It’s time to revise the old rules.

I like commitment, and I think it’s a very healthy and beautiful energy. But I choose to balance that energy with the energy of FREEDOM.

For example, I’m very loyal and committed to my sweetie, but the moment a person starts backstabbing me, lying to me, or trying to control me, I’m gone.

Love is an emotion, or an energy, that can only exist in the NOW moment, and it’s also a PEACEFUL emotion.

When you’re thinking about Barbie or Ken and have knots in your stomach, that’s neediness. It’s NOT LOVE.

TRUE love feels peaceful, lives in the present, and is an expression of appreciation.

Neediness is synonymous with DRAMA, STUPIDITY, CRUSHING, STRESS, WEAKNESS, and FEAR.


And So It Is!

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By Laurent
#2953 Quand tu pars d'un statut d'AFC, que tu te rendes compte de ton état, que tu passes un peu de temps sur FTS et Spikeseduction, que tu sortes draguer pour appliquer les principes lus, que tu fasses éventuellement un petit WS, que tu commences à avoir du succès, qu'apprends-tu vraiment?


garder le contrôle devant une petite beauté (garder son calme donc), garder le contrôle de ta frame, contrôler l'alternance C&F et confort, etc. etc.

La question que je me posais: fort de cet enseignement et expérience, vais-je être à nouveau capable de tomber amoureux? Je savais que la réponse était clairement non. ça m'ennuyait un peu et j'avais tort.

Merci Shiva pour cette excellente newsletter qui démontre joliment la compatibilité contrôle-amour et qui donne une définition très précise de la "neediness".

Comprendre exactement ce qu'est être needy et faire en sorte de ne plus l'être, c'est déjà avoir gagné!!
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By ShivaSpace
#2970 De rien, il est vraiment tres tres fort ce mec-là, pour moi c'est un mini Steve Piccus (lui il est malheureusement allé trop loin, je capte rien quand il explique un truc, pourtant je suis ouvert d'esprit)
Stephane Hemon c'est le seul à faire des newsletters que tu peux relire avec bénéfice, les reflexions qu'elles suscitent t'aident à te découvrir toi meme à chaque fois un peu plus.
J'ai bcp de respect pour lui, c'est le seul guru américain qui a une approche saine et énergétique de la séduction. Pas de mensonge, pas de manipulation, que de l'energétique.

Quand j'aurais trouvé un moyen je vous filerai ses mp3 de méditation: maturation de l'inner game à 200 km/h assurée.
By Heidoji
#2976 Tres bon article, ca repond a beaucoup d'interrogation et surtout ca me permet de faire simplement la distinction entre les deux etats.

Connais ton ennemi, et connais-toi toi-même, et tu pourras livrer cent batailles sans essuyer un désastre. (SUN TZU)
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By Jeff!
#2979 Ca me semble pas si mal. Mais il fait appel à trop de concepts orientaux que je ne maîtrise pas pour en dire tellement plus. Ses deux définitions des amours crétin et vrai valent le coup. Et son idée que l'on peut choisir d'aimer me plait aussi. J'apprécie de retrouver ça chez quelqu'un d'autre, même si l'explication par le chakra du coeur me laisse perplexe. Enfin, j'imagine qu'on peut comprendre ça comme "être en accord avec toi même" ^^

Amusant d'ailleurs que je me sois aperçu de la, certes relatives, mais très étonnante, simplicité de l'amour avec une fille que j'ai eu envie d'aimer... avant que ça ne finisse en délire théâtral complet, une vraie tragédie racinienne, Britannicus réécrit par Shakespeare pété au crack :lol: Je suis parti assez rapidement après ça. Leur goût du drame m'exaspère.
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By ShivaSpace
#3017 Une autre excellente newsletter de lui, tout simplement incroyable qu'avec quelques simples lignes il nous permet de comprendre enfin le comportement étrange de 90% des gens qu'on a rencontré dans toute une vie.
Idem, prenez le temps de la lire en entier, là je ne vous envoie que du préselectionné qui m'a moi-meme bcp servi.

[quote="Stephane Hemon from Ideagasms"]

[size=150][color=red]Are you an energy vampire?[/color][/size]

The main problem that people have when it comes to getting their
sex life together is that they GIVE AWAY THEIR POWER. Most people
give away their power to a certain extent, and this newsletter
contains the blueprint that you'll need to become aware of WHOM
you're giving your power away to and HOW you're giving it away.

Awareness is the key, because until you become aware of something,
you are on auto-pilot.

[size=150][color=red]So what is an Energy Vampire?[/color][/size]

Well, they don't usually suck your blood; what they do is they
suck your ENERGY.

Chances are high that your life is filled with these types of
people. My guess is that you'll see your parents in these descriptions,
you'll see some of your friends, lovers, and perhaps even yourself.

When dealing with an Energy Vampire, you can feel it instantly.

You will get a feeling in the Solar-Plexus Chakra (in the "upper-belly"
region), which is linked to our emotional body and central nervous

(Otherwise known as a "gut feeling" or an intuition)

There are 5 main types of energy vampires -

- The "POOR ME"
- The "Aloof"
- The "Interrogator"
- The "Intimidator"
- The Boaster and Bragger

These people usually leave us feeling tired; they drain our
energy and self-esteem. And worse, we cannot get them out of
our heads afterwards! We tend to re-play the conversation in
our head, telling ourselves that we should have said "this"
or "that" instead...

[size=150][color=red]Energy Vampire #1 - The "POOR ME"[/color][/size]

These people drain your energy by complaining, and sometimes
implying that you are somehow responsible for their troubles.

When in the presence of this person, you will find yourself
feeling guilty, even though deep down you know that their life
challenges aren't your fault. You'll feel as though you need
to defend against the idea that you're not giving or doing enough
for this person.

Many people use their misfortunes in life to gain sympathy.
They want to talk about the suffering they've endured, or about
the mistreatment of their parents, or about their illness, or
some other deprivation or failure.

These people see the world as UNFAIR, and avoid taking responsibility.
And they want you to hear all about it! They focus on negative
energy in order to STEAL energy (attention, sympathy, pity,

When something traumatic happens, it's okay to obtain support.
With time, you heal and learn the lessons that are involved
(assuming that you can take responsibility).

But when people use their life's suffering as a way to gain
pity and attention (YOUR energy), you need to learn how to shield
from that.

When dealing with a "poor me", the best way to help them is
to see if they can help themselves. Are they willing to look
at the role that THEY have played in creating their own reality?
Can they take response-ability?

If they can't handle the truth, if they are too stuck in their
heads to view themselves objectively and without getting defensive,
I have learned to simply tell them that I am BUSY.

Because the truth is that we ARE too busy to have our energy
drained by people with the victim mentality.

[size=150][color=red]Energy Vampire #2 - The "Aloof"[/color][/size]

These people act emotionally distant, usually in response to
having had overbearing or controlling parents.

They are withdrawn, and see the world as overwhelming and threatening.
They are often distrustful and suspicious of others motives,
and people describe them as being "shy" or even "snobby".

Someone who is aloof is PRETENDING that they don't care what
others think. It is a FAKE social mask, designed to give them
the "upper hand".

On a more global scale, they are the "innocent" or apathetic
bystanders who take little or no responsibility in shaping our

You know you're in the presence of an Aloof person when you
find yourself doing all the talking, and asking question after
question, trying to get them to come out of their shell. They
will contribute very little to the conversation. This is exactly
where they want you, because it gives them a feeling of control.
This is how they get attention, validation, and your energy.

You'll probably feel inadequate or "less than", as if something
is inherently wrong with you. Again, you'll feel discomfort
in the solar-plexus Chakra.

If you complain, they will often just give you the SILENT TREATMENT.

MOST of today's so-called "attractive women" are aloof, and
knowing how to spot them, and training them to open up, is crucial.

A lot of guys ask me, "Where do you draw the line between working
on your "game" versus just walking away from somebody who is
no good for you? How do you know for certain that it wasn't
your "game" (or lack thereof) that failed?"

Most of the time when they ask me this, I know that they're
dealing with a woman who is quite aloof.

Personally, I draw the line when a woman makes me feel insignificant
or un-worthy of her time.

Doesn't she know that I'm Squirtmaster Steph?

[size=150][color=red]Energy Vampire #3 - The "Interrogator"[/color][/size]

Interrogators used to be my personal "pet peeve" when I didn't
know how to handle them.

It is because they ask questions that aren't sincere - they
really DO NOT want to hear your views, but instead, they use
questions to BREAK DOWN your views and try to make you doubt

Interrogators are (initially) difficult to detect, because they
are perfectionists; These people see the life as a competitive
GAME and they are quite masterful when it comes to manipulating

Their philosophy? "Life is just a game - You either play by
the rules, or you're a loser."

It's been said that the greatest illusion of "Satan" lied in
his ability to make people believe he didn't exist. That's
a great metaphor for explaining what Interrogators do to people,
because when you spot an Interrogator and try to gently point
out what he/she is doing, they too will pretend that they are
innocent and that this heavily ingrained and entirely OBVIOUS
pattern of behavior does not exist.

Then they will turn around and casually remark that there is
something wrong with YOU. They'll go, "Why would you say that?
Why are you so PARANOID, huh?" (Notice they are not really
asking a question, but rather, making a statement about you.)

Or they will accuse you of being "too sensitive"... as if sensitivity
was a bad thing!

Interrogators undermine other people's reality, usually by making
insincere comments (such as a "neg" or subtle put-down) or by
asking lots of rhetorical questions, and trying to find the
weak points in what people are saying and doing.

MANY of the top "seduction community guru's" are simply INTERROGATORS.
This is why they "play the game" and have all sorts of complicated
"chess moves" and strategies for interacting with women. They
have an AGENDA.

There is nothing wrong with having "game" insofar as you aren't
actively lying to people.

Crooked sales people, lawyers, politicians, and other business
criminals are often Interrogators as well.

Interestingly, they probably had ALOOF PARENTS. Aloof parents
often "create" interrogator children. It's the child's way of
getting the parent to pay attention to them.

Interrogators also offer a lot of "unsolicited advice". They
want to tell you what you "should" and "shouldn't" do, be, think,
and feel. They can be quite arrogant.

They ask a lot of rhetorical questions, and often play "Devil's
advocate". But the questions they ask are not questions at all!
It is their attempt to break down your reality in the form of
negative presuppositions about you.

Again, you will know when you're being interrogated when you
get that uncomfortable feeling at the midline (Solar-Plexus
Chakra). This is what happens when people manipulate our emotions.
You will sense that they are asking you questions not out of
a sincere desire to understand your point of view, but out of
a desire to tear down your reality to suit their needs.

"Why would you say that?!"

"Why would you take that class in college?!"

"What's the matter with you?!"

Note that those aren't "questions" at all. If you look closer,
they are coming right out and telling you that you're STUPID.

You see, they aren't interested in other people's wisdom, although
they're good at ACTING as though they are!

You'll often hear them say, "I'm just trying to help you." But
helping you is usually the last thing on their minds. They are
attempting to dominate and control you, but DISGUISING it as

They do this out of a need to feel important, superior, and
stronger because deep down, they're really afraid that they
are inferior. That's what "machismo" really is.

They want to be seen as "alpha", or ABOVE other people. This
is why the 'seduction community' often talks about having "Higher
Value" than women. Psychiatrists label them with "Narcissistic
Personality Disorder" and joke among themselves that there are
none because they never come to therapy.

"Higher Value" doesn't exist, except on a material level.

[size=150][color=red]Evergy Vampire #4 - The "Intimidator"[/color][/size]

While Interrogators see life as a GAME, INTIMIDATORS see life
as a WAR. As such, Intimidators are easy to spot.

These are the macho's, the control freaks, the bullies, the
paranoids, the authoritarians, the "alpha males", the rage-aholics
- you name it.

The reason they act this way, just like with all of the control
types, is out of FEAR. They are afraid that others are trying
to take their power away from them and that they won't be loved
or get what they want. Very often they are still playing out
an old unresolved childhood sexual abuse drama.

They intimidate others into giving them money, love, attention,
etc. by being judgmental, smart-alecky, cocky, sarcastic, aggressive,
dominant, loud, angry, violent, self-centered, etc.

When in the presence of other Intimidators, the interaction
can often escalate to arguments and violence.

An interesting thing happens with Intimidators. When they notice
that they aren't able to control or bully you into submission,
they will often SWITCH into a "Poor Me". Instead of using threats,
they might try to use guilt instead.

Poor Me's will also "switch" from time to time and become aggressive
when they are not getting the pity they are craving. Perhaps
you can remember a time when your "sweet" ex-girlfriend or boyfriend
went from crying and begging to RAGE and YELLING.

An aloof will often turn into an interrogator, and an interrogator
will often turn into an aloof when they realize they can't control

[size=150][color=red]Energy Vampire #5 - The Boaster and Bragger[/color][/size]

"Look at how cool, clever, and lovable I am!" is the unspoken
message that they want you to hear, as they go on and on and
on about their past accomplishments. More often than not, they
are LYING, or at least exaggerating.

Boasters and Braggers have deep-seated abandonment issues manifesting
itself as an addiction to approval and praise. You will find
that they usually had a mother or father who left them when
they were very young. If the parents didn't actually physically
leave them, they most certainly weren't very loving and emotionally

By the way, in my opinion THIS is what the seduction community
really means when they teach their students to have a "routine-based
game". They encourage men to tell "canned stories". They want
you to lie, exaggerate, and brag about your accomplishments
so you can demonstrate your supposed "higher value".

And while there is nothing wrong with making yourself more interesting
by telling entertaining stories and jokes, I highly recommend
that you use your OWN stories and jokes. There is no need to

How To Handle An Energy Vampire:

The same way we handle ALL of our relationships! "Unconditional
Love MINUS Putting Up With Crap (manipulation) = HAPPY!"

Again, with all of the above Energy Vampires, it is perfectly
okay to tell them that you are BUSY. Because you ARE too busy
to listen to garbage.

No need to JUDGE them, just send them lots of LOVE! More than
anything, Energy Vampires need love. And by "love" I don't
mean you should allow yourself to be manipulated by them. But
judging them doesn't help anyone either - perhaps if they had
more people who loved them in the first place, they wouldn't
be acting the way they are.

These psychological and energetic "blueprints" are based in
low self-esteem. If you have any of these energies within yourself
(you do, it's just a matter of degree), the cure is to LOVE

THE most challenging thing you will ever do is to love yourself.

By Porkipic
#3020 Intéressanttes ces (longues) newsletter, mais la dernière m'a fait peur.
Energy Vampire #2 - The "Aloof" : merde, c'est ... moi.
AFC, quand tu nous tiens ...
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By ShivaSpace
#3044 [color=red][size=200]What are Chakras?[/size][/color]

Chakras affect who we are physically, spiritually, and energetically. They are the major highways that our consciousness, wisdom, creativity, and energy takes to enter and leave the Mind, Body, and Soul.

As many different wisdom traditions have taught us, [color=red]each human has a magnetic terrain surrounding and penetrating the physical body[/color]. Each of us also has a gravitational terrain that extends outwards from the physical body, especially from the torso and head. [color=red]In this way the human parallels the planet which has its own magnetic and gravitational terrains.[/color]

Our consciousness is composed of these energy terrains, all resonating at different frequencies that interconnect through a series of vortices called Chakras, which is an old Sanskrit word meaning “wheels of light”.

The brain isn't much more than an analytical storage device, but since most people think that they "are" the brain, they become stuck in their mind rather than Living In The Now Moment.

You will literally start tapping into UNLIMITED energy and wisdom by learning how to open and balance your 7 Major Chakras. This Universal Energy is all around you right now - the trick is to learn how to TUNE IN.

[color=red]The Universal Life Energies flow in and out of us through the Chakras all day long and feed our cells. These energies include Earth's minerals, Oxygen, the Sun, the Moon, Water, Light, etc. and they are within us and all around us. All stress, worry, dis-ease, etc. is a direct result of not being tuned in to these Universal Life Energies.[/color]

Perhaps you have heard of Chakras before - Chinese Medicine, Reiki, Acupuncture, EMF, Yoga, Bhuddism, Acupressure, etc. all deal with and align their models around the core energetic anatomy known as the Chakras. But rather than sticking needles in yourself, why not "drink" energy and wisdom DIRECTLY from The Source Of All That Is?

[quote]"The human nervous system has seven biological responses that correspond to seven levels of Chakras - seven energy centers in the body that contain universal spiritual lessons which give us the key to maintaining wellness and balance by providing effective tools for the removal of any blockages in our chakra system to achieve radiance in mind, body and spirit.
Deepak Chopra - Author of 'Ageless Body, Timeless Mind' and 'How To Know God'

[color=red]Many people are reluctant to open their mind to the possibility of Chakras, simply because most humans cannot SEE the Chakras. But you cannot see electromagnetic energy, you cannot see the data which enters the antennae on your radio, you cannot see your wireless modem connecting to the internet, and you cannot see "love" but we know these things are real.[/color]

The same people who don't believe in Chakras (because they can't see them) are more than happy to talk on a cell phone, use a microwave oven, and watch satellite television!

[color=red]Just as computers are a reflection of how our mind works, our ability to send large amounts of invisible data all over the world and then recieving this data through antennae's is a reflection of how our Chakras work. Human beings actually have built-in "antennae's" called Chakras, and this is where information, consciousness, energy, creativity, love, ideas, etc. flow through us[/color]

Many dating, sex, and relationship issues, stress, dis-ease, fear-based emotions, etc. can be dealt with on a surface "band-aid" level with tools known as NLP, hypnosis, psycho-analysis, and so on, but the fact remains that unless the Chakras are opened and balanced, the old imbalances tend to resurface time and again.

Chakras are the DEEP FUNDAMENTALS.

This isn’t to discount any of the common "mainstream" therapies – they all have their benefits, but only to a certain extent!

The fact remains that we are all physical, spiritual and energetic beings, so unless we learn to open up and balance ourselves on the deeper fundamental levels called Chakras, we will remain unbalanced on a core level, and we will never truly become en-LIGHT-ened.

[quote]"You are NOT a human being having a spiritual experience. You are a SPIRITUAL BEING having a human experience."
-Wayne Dyer, author of "You'll see it when you believe it."

[color=red]All human imbalances are simply EGO and STUCK ENERGY. Energy is designed to FLOW and to EXPRESS itself, but because of Ego we have become deeply unbalanced. We are identified with our Ego and bodies, rather than with our Life Essence, Heart, and Soul[/color]

Most people don't realize that the brain is nothing more than an analytical storage device. In order to access higher levels of balance, creativity, wisdom, energy and CONSCIOUSNESS you must open and balance your Chakras. You must Live In The Now Moment and learn to align yourself with the Universal Laws that our Chakras teach us.
By Last Order
#3528 Découvert récemment et qui pourrait intéresser Shivaspace et ceux qui ont une approche plus 'mystique' ou philosophique que la moyenne dans le développement du game (pas de notion de jugement là-dedans):
Mindfullness in plain english de Ven. Henepola Gunaratana
qui prône la méditation comme méthode de développement de l'inner game en passant en revue tous les petits défauts 'classiques' et leur solution par la pratique d'une médiation correctrice (essayer trop fort, être inintéressant, se montrer en attente...).
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By ShivaSpace
#4338 [color=red][size=150]"How do I stay the person that I am, but raise my alphaness so women can see that I'm a man, without becoming an insensitive shithead?"[/size][/color]

As a teacher, how do I take a guy who is too feminine, too considerate,too "nice" and too soft and waft him effortlessly into becoming the dominant "man's man" he was born to be?

I guess I'll start with "The World Is Your Mirror" and take it from there -

The women in your life are treating you very much in the same way that you treat yourself. That means if you have low self-esteem, women will respond in kind and treat you... like a guy who has low self-esteem.

Now, a man who has low self-esteem is going to do things to "make up for it".

In other words, he's going to SEEK WOMEN'S APPROVAL on many, many levels.

You know... Bragging, telling lame jokes and laughing at them before anyone else does, touching women too early in the interaction, failing to qualify women, and so on.

Approval seeking is the big social dis-ease right now.

[color=red]On an "Outer Game" level, you need to start micro-analyzing your behaviors, pin-pointing exactly what behaviors are designed to seek approval, and then CUT THEM ALL OUT.
On an Inner Game Level, you need to drop all of your insecurities.
ALL of them.

This is going to require great courage and "thought discipline" on your part.

You need to [color=red]catch yourself having self-doubts[/color], judgments, etc. and [color=red]practice letting them go.[/color]

Then you need to REPLACE those unhealthy thought patterns with healthier ones.

You need better "Inner Game Frames".

For example, "I am Enough" and "I accept myself fully as I am".Can you HOLD those frames in your consciousness ALL DAY LONG, no matter what's going on around you?

Everything comes down to frames.

Story time -

Last weekend I had some friends over, and they brought a friend over - beautiful blond girl - let's call her "Katie".

Now, our beloved Ghita (my girlfriend) took an immediate liking to Katie, and within minutes they were alone together and engaging in some "Kissing, Necking and Petting" behaviors.

This was Katie's first bisexual experience with a woman, and as such, she felt a little unsure of herself.
Anyway, to make a long story short Ghita took a "Teacher Frame" with her.

It's a basic relationship frame, where one person assumes the Yang Leader role and the other assumes the Yin Submissive role.
Yes, even bisexual or gay couples do well with "Yin/Yang Polarities"

So, Ghita assumed the Teacher Role (Yang) simply because she has more experience in being intimate with other women.

At some point during Katie's "lessons", Katie became quite insecure and started having doubts as to whether she was competent enough, attractive enough - I forget what the actual insecurity was,but you get the idea.

She didn't have the good old, "I AM ENOUGH" frame firmly installed.

(Have you guys noticed that the prettier the women are, the more insecure they are about their bodies AND the more they tend to be a "dead lay"? It's astounding. Looks like "p u s
s y power" attitude is nothing more than a cover-up for deeper insecurities... Man, I wish I knew this stuff when I was younger.)

So anyway, the girl became rather insecure and started to pull back. She started to put the brakes on, even though they were clearly both enjoying themselves just a moment ago.

In that moment, Ghita realized that if she doesn't "reframe" this girl fast, she would lose her forever.
So she simply offered reassurance and told her that she was, in fact, "enough".

Once Katie felt reassured on that level, they both resumed giggling and, er, um, "Kissing, Necking and Petting behaviors".

The next day, Ghita remarked, "It's amazing how FRAGILE human relationships are. Had I not reframed her last night and reassured her that she was beautiful and "enough", I would have lost her."


How many women do YOU know that will sit there with you and reframe all of YOUR insecurities?

The answer is, "Very few."

Very few because it's not their job.

When you bring insecurities into a relationship with you, you are IMPOSING them on women.

And the number one turn-off for women is... Insecurity. Women cannot TRUST a man if he is insecure.

That said, the number one insecurity that men seem to have is "fear of loss". They have so much fear of loss because deep down, they feel inadequate.

And they're afraid of losing the girl so much that they end up kissing her a s s.

As a result, most of their behaviors are actually just FEAR-BASED.

How much of YOUR behavior around women is really designed to seek approval?

[color=red]You have to risk losing women[/color], rather than compromising yourself and your integrity.

If you look around, you'll see that most of today's "soft" men are really just chameleons. They will change their beliefs and personality and "frames" to please a woman, when ironically,this is what will send them into the "just friends" category more than anything else.

Now, you asked me "How do I become more Yang (masculine) without becoming an insensitive s*ithead?"

But that's the wrong question to be asking.

What you're really telling me is that you don't trust yourself, and that's just ludicrous.

The fact that you're on this path to begin with, the fact that you are actively learning how to improve yourself and become the best man you can be shows me that you are TOO WISE to have to worry about suddenly becoming an inconsiderate s*ithead.

Maturity is the balance between courage and consideration.

As a guy who usually ends up in the "just friends" category, you have all of the consideration and no courage.

To develop this Yang Courage, you need what I call a "Spiritual Backbone".

[color=red]And the very first thing you must do to develop this is to get your PRIORITIES in order.[/color]

You see, women are my NUMBER FOUR priority in life.

I will explain...

My first priority is my HEALTH. I will never compromise my health just to please a woman.

My second priority is my INTEGRITY. You know - Honesty, Loyalty, Respect, and so on. I will never compromise my values (integrity) to please a woman.

My third priority is my "Mission" : as said on my web page : "To Promote Sensuality and Unconditional Love; To Cultivate Tender Intimacy and Non-Judgment; To Achieve Sexual and Spiritual Harmony; To Help Couples Move Their Relationship Into The "Fifth-Dimension"
of Unconditional Love and Integrity."

So that is my life's purpose or "mission" right now.

[color=red]Do you know what YOUR life purpose is?[/color]

You better find out! Because women respect LEADERS, and leaders know WHY they're leading. They have a VISION, and that vision is NEVER, EVER compromised in order to please women.
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By ShivaSpace
#6666 [quote="Stephan Hemon"]Have you seen the documentary, "What the bleep do we know?!"

In it, a certain Dr. Emoto does experiments on water.

What he found is that water is very much alive and intelligent. It has "consciousness"
just like we do.

What he did is he took a glass of water, and SPOKE TO IT.

Then he would freeze the water, and look at the changes in it's molecular structure.

Depending on the words that he used, the structure of the water changed dramatically.

When he said words like "love" or "light" or "peace" to the water, after freezing it
he could see that the patterns created looked like beautiful snowflakes.

On the other hand, when he spoke words like "ugly" and "hatred" and "you suck",
the patterns in the frozen water looked like SHARP, DARK, STABBING KNIVES.

He took it a step further, and found that he did not even have to speak to the water
at all. All he needed was THE THOUGHT and like magic, the molecular structure
changed just as much.

Well, guess what? You and I are made of over 60% water and a few chemicals that are spinning in the right direction...

All this is to show that the energy behind our thoughts, our words, and our actions
are either healing... or killing someone by creating dis-ease in them (and in OURSELVES
because we're ultimately connected to them. The world is our mirror).

...So it makes sense to avoid Energy Vampires like the plague, AND to "love 'em from
a safe distance".

So that's unconditional love, in an overly simplified nutshell.

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By JayaFausT
#6668 Hmm le coup de l'eau qui a une structure différente une fois congelée selon les paroles... Enfin, comment dire ? :roll:
By Matt
#6670 <Edit>
Modifié en dernier par Matt le Mer Juil 18, 2007 2:02 pm, modifié 1 fois.